My Lovely Horse Rescue Newsletter
Issue 1
August 2021

Welcome to My Lovely Horse Rescue’s very first newsletter! This year we celebrate our 10 year anniversary in animal rescue. What a decade it has been for us all and what amazing friends we have made along the way, both two, three and four-legged.
MLHR began when our three amazing founders, Martina Kenny, Deborah Kenny and Cathy Davey decided enough was enough with equine abuse everywhere and went out to rescue their first two horses.
Now 10 years later, MLHR is at the forefront of animal rescue in Ireland. We have three rescue centres, two in Kildare and one in Cork, and each year hundreds of animals pass through our gates: horses, donkeys, mules, pigs, goats, dogs, cats. We are there for them 365 days a year and we especially help rescue the old, the very young, the sick and the severely injured, those for whom the world no longer…